We Are GT India
General Traders emerged in the year of 1967 as a cause of the hard earned score since long years left behind each and every year flagged as a mile stone in the business history, and Mr kantilal Dhoshi, the Chair person of GT Group of companies became the pioneer in Domestic and International market.
GTGC with its 38 years of experience has forayed into various diversified activities like trading, Import - Exports, manufacturing, finance & investments and construction, and now has also entered the education sector with a mission to help the noble cause of Literacy.
The Parent Company and General Traders (Chennai) Pvt Ltd are targeting to accrue the left out countries like Madagascar, Zanzibar, Combroze, Brazil, Australia, America, UAE, Iran to spread its Market Share, while it has covered almost all states in South India.

GT India Founder

Mr. Sanghvi Kantilal Doshi, GT Groups’ Founder Chairman
Sanghvi Kantilal Doshi, GT Groups’ Founder Chairman is an entrepreneur par excellence and a visionary leader whose unmatched dedication has laid an exceptional foundation of success and value for the company. Over the past five decades, under the guidance of this dynamic leader, the group has reached a truly international position and continues to nurture their admirable entrepreneurial spirit through the illustrious channel of corporate social responsibility.
Throughout its significant history, GT Group has played a pivotal role of being premier Importers, Exporters , Promoters and Manufacturers of incense sticks as well as a trendsetter in areas relating to Financial Services, Education, Cold Storage and Leasing. The year 2017 saw GT Group’s latest venture, Monkey Monk, Chennai’s first B2B Chill Frill Zone.